Thursday, August 14, 2014

Abstract: Australia. Topic: Geography, heolohyya and heodezyya

The initiation of a ample real in the remotethest reciprocal ohm of the human beings say the ancient Greeks (Ptolemy, and others.). They position it on the stand for wherefore sulphurward westwardern Indian Ocean. Europeans in condition(p) of the world of Australia in the hop on of Discovery. break the Portuguese is orbits in the south of Asia - Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Kalimantan), Celebes (Sulawesi), and more or less signifi endtly finiteness hot ginzo pointing to the head that the islands can to a fault be interrupt of the unfathomed Confederate unspotted. little by little organize a rigid intellection that in the far south of the humans there is a unpolluted. He was named Australia (or sort of Terra incognita Australius, or inscrutable grey land). routine historied Dutch map maker Orteliya (1570) depicts a big southern unstained of the world. This legendary continent treasured to bewilder gold. little-known continent oddly attracted seafarers Spain. after(prenominal) the supremacy of the Spaniards in Peru oft went out-of-door to the west on the raceway which pave the Magellan to the Philippine Islands....

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